-------------------------------------------- TUESDAYS KNIT & NATTER 1.30pm in the Church Room THURSDAYS SEE & KNOW 10~11.30am in the Church Hall (During School Term time only) -------------------------------------------------- JANUARY NB: Please be aware of groups being in recess during the first week of the New Year. Check resume dates as necessary NO Coffee/Chat/Company (resume in February), 27 MONDAY 10.15am: RETREAT Memory Cafe in the Church Hall for Dementia sufferers and their carers 28 TUESDAY 9~11.30am: WELCOME SPACE in the Church Room 29 WEDNESDAY 2.30pm: BIBLE CHAT in Church Room (SEE ADVERT opposite) 30 THURSDAY 7.30 pm: PANTOMIME BEAUTY & THE BEAST in the Church Hall (SEE ADVERT below) Tickets available online www.ststephensdramabristol.co.uk or phone the Box office: 0333 666 3366 |
31 FRIDAY 2pm PENSIONER's GROUP in Church Hall FEBRUARY 04 TUESDAY 2pm: KNIT & NATTER in the Church Room (then weekly) 05 WEDNESDAY 11am: COFFEE/CHAT/COMPANY resumes in The Turnpike Pub, Soundwell Road 06 THURSDAY 10am: SEE & KNOW in the Church Hall (then weekly in school term time) 2pm: LADIES GROUP in the Church Hall (then fortnightly) 07 FRIDAY 7pm: OUTBURST Youth Group in the Church Hall 10 MONDAY 10.15am: RETREAT Memory Cafe in the Church Hall for Dementia sufferers and their carers 11 TUESDAY 9~11.30am: WELCOME SPACE in the Church Room 12 WEDNESDAY 2.30pm: BIBLE CHAT in the Church Room 13 THURSDAY 1.30pm MENS GROUP in the Church Room 14 FRIDAY 2pm: PENSIONER'S GROUP in the Church Hall 6.30pm: FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE 20 THURSDAY 2pm LADIES GROUP in the Church Hall |
St Stephens Soundwell
What's On
Church Road, Soundwell, Bristol BS16 4RH : CHARITY NUMBER 1131503
email: [email protected] |